Thursday, July 11, 2013

Blue of London - Earl Grey Du Yunnan

This is is said to be the Finest of the Le Palais Des Thes Earl Grey Line. I got a sampler pack of loose leaf tea which is probably good for 2 cups or so. The package says to brew at 185F instead of the more normal 205F, and steep for 4-5 minutes

I used my tea pot to brew as normal. It seems to be a nice and somewhat rich Earl Grey. It seems a touch more flowery then the Thes De Lords which is my standard Earl Grey tea. Still undecided if it is worth the extra few shekels.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Aux Oranges De Cuba

They were having a sale, so I got this one. I like citrus type teas.

It has chunks of orange in a black tea, and looks nice.

I let it steep for 4 minutes, generally nice but a touch metalic with just sugar.

very nice with milk.